If you fear such an attack will soon be coming, ThinkProgress has a report that should help ease those fears. This is happy news and it's worth a bit of attention even amid this economy-centered Presidential campaign. Since this report undermines PM Netanyahu's saber-rattling, you'll never hear Mitt Romney mention it.
What the Obama administration has to say about such an attack is much more important. Here is a signal that should put to rest any claim the US is secretly enabling an Israeli attack. ThinkProgress quotes General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Dempsey — America’s highest ranking military officer — also sought to distance the U.S. from any premature attack, adding, “I don’t want to be complicit if they [Israel] choose to do it.” (Bolding by Quicklund)This quote is very important. These words are used with precision. Coming from Gen Dempsey they carry the weight of administration policy. They also indicate the administration wants this policy known publicly and specifically within Iran. And that policy is the US will not assist Israel in attacking Iran.
Periodically there are predictions of such an Israeli attack. We see such a prediction about twice per week here on DKos. PM Netanyahu likes issuing such threats from time to time. This announcement should make it crystal clear that such announcements are nothing more than loud saber rattlings. These announcements are designed to frighten people around the world. These people include American voters - especially American voters. These saber-rattles are intended to frighten you. Do not let them.
Stand firm against the bluff. Israel is not going to attack Iran. Not any time soon, and not at all unless the US attacks too. That is as reliable a prediction as you're likely to see when it comes to the Mideast.