Mitt! The Musical: Act I
Only the finest intellectual properties have been looted in the making of this parody.Act I: Of Birchers Are Birthers BornPregrovel:[Cue Overture] Open this link in another window. Safe: link goes to a...
View ArticleMitt! The Musical: Act II
Act II: It's Tea Party and I'll Heil if I Want To PSzymeczek, this one's for you.Act IAct III[Cue First Interlude] Open this link in another window. Safe: link goes to a short YouTube clip. Note:...
View ArticleBreaking: (Ryan opponent) Rob Zerban Presser at 3:00 CST
Rob Zerban is running against Paul Ryan for the WI-01 seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.I just now got a phone call from the Zerban office. Mister Zerban will hold a press conference at 3:00 to...
View Article"The Romney/Ryan Road to Ruin"
There is your sound bite takeaway from Rob Zerban's press conference this afternoon. Who is Rob Zerban? Why, he's the Democratic candidate for Paul Ryan's seat in the U.S. House of Representatives...
View ArticleMitt! The Musical: Act III
Act III: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love A Bomb Gateway drugs? Look what happens from Mad Magazine.Act IAct II[Cue Second Interlude] Open this link in another window. Safe: link goes to a...
View ArticleErick Erickson Explains Women & Paul Ryan
There are few things as pathetic on this green Earth that witnessing a middle-aged GOP male explain what makes women tick. Mr Erickson of RedState could not resist proving the reputation is deserved.In...
View ArticleFresh Roasted Coffee: Which Beans?
With so many whole bean selections in today's markets, why roast your own coffee? There are two convincing answers.1) It is incredibly easy.2) Beans lose flavor starting only a few days after roasting....
View ArticleRNC Chair Shows Us His Dog Whistle
I was just out in the back yard cleaning up after the German Shepherd, the Greyhound, and the Mutt, so naturally my thoughts turned to the quality of the Republican debate in this 2012 campaign season....
View ArticleShortest GOTV Diary Ever (and WI-01)
Paul Ryan is on the Wisconsin ballot running for both VP and for his current House seat, WI-01. He could win both elections, or neither, or win one and lose the other. If the Republicans win the White...
View ArticleIsraeli Will Not Attack Iran in 2012.
If you fear such an attack will soon be coming, ThinkProgress has a report that should help ease those fears. This is happy news and it's worth a bit of attention even amid this economy-centered...
View ArticleRedState Goes Godwin
A short diary titled Every Movement Needs It's Own Salute ties a mild publicity effort by the Obama campaign to, of course, Nazi Germany. Here is the photo of saluting Nazis that appears under the...
View Article11-Dimension Chess Thy Name Is 'Wiz-War'
If you are reading this it's almost certain you are familiar with the phrase "11 dimensional chess". Obviously no such game exists on Earth. But one game comes close to living up to the concept implied...
View ArticleRob Zerban vs Paul Ryan: Two for Tuesday?
One more a not-a-diary before the votes come in. I just was down at Rob Zerban's office. I asked about internal polls. According to a young staffer, they have been on a four-day high with good...
View Article2014 Begins Tomorrow
We need to bring Presidential energy to the mid-terms of 2014. We need to take back the House. We need to break the last gasp of the Tea Party. This will force the end to almost 50 years of the GOP as...
View ArticleMedicare Cuts Coming: Proven
Anyone who has told you Medicare or Medicaid will not be cut by President Obama and the 113th Congress is wrong ... and is quite possibly also a Big Pharma CEO. Medicare and Medicaid are going to be...
View ArticleSupport the NRA's Call to Guard Our Schools
Every liberal voter in America should consider supporting NRA VP Wayne LePierre's call to bring armed guards to every American school. The reason is simple. If implemented this plan would end the NRA's...
View ArticleJosh Marshal's Philosophises Over Manning & Snowden
Josh Marshal over at TPM offers a splendid essay in which he describes the internal ethical debate he has had with himself over the Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden stories. It is a strong example of...
View ArticleMr Snowden and Unconstitutionality
Lord knows I know better than to stick my tongue on this frozen flagpole but here goes anyway. As always with flagpole-tonguing, brevity is best. So this won't hurt long.There is a great deal of...
View ArticleToo Short To Be A Diary
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a...
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